Thursday, July 29, 2010

Examiner Happy Hour was a Success!

The recent Examiner Happy Hour at Opal's Marina was a rousing success partially due to my own efforts but largely due to the support of my Twitterfriends who tweeted about the event relentlessly for me in the week leading up to last Tuesday's event. Thank you to each of you for taking the time to spread the word.

Opal's are great people to work with for a happy hour because they have Carol Hickey handling all those arrangements and their Twitter account. I simply rang her up, told her what I needed and she took care of speaking to the manager, booking the room in the back and so on.

The primary reason for this post is to highlight all the support I received trying to spread the word about the event to folks. To do this, I decided to try Keepstream (beta version) created by Jim England who describes the application like this on his blog:

Hashtags on Twitter are AWESOME; they can organize tweets around a particular topic. However, the value of a hashtag lies in the "here and now". If I search for #sllconf during or right after the event, I get tons of sweet content. However, searching for #sxsw in June gives you a wasteland of useless tweets... all the cool stuff was from March, when the event was happening.

Enter Keep Stream: A collection of tweets that can be "kept together" to tell a story. I imagine this will be used for real-life events, news stories, and twitter conversations. Think of it as a way to preserve and organize the best of the real-time web.

Check out the collection. I'm curious what y'all think of it and Jim's product.


  1. Great happy hour and very interesting product. Thanks for your hard work Greg.

  2. Thanks Daniel,
    We need to get together for some hoops. Let me know when is a good time. I'll come south this time.


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