Friday, July 23, 2010

A Roaster's Paradise: Austin's Kohana Coffee

This morning my friend and coffee lover, Piper Jones invited me to tour Kohana Coffee's roasting facility located in South Austin. Piper is responsible for Operations & Roasting at the small, locally-owned quality coffee bean roaster. Her love of coffee, the process of roasting the beans and her PASSION for her trade is part of what makes Kohana stand apart from the crowd. It was Piper's enthusiasm about drinking coffee on Twitter which got my own taste buds curious.

I consider myself a bit of a foodie which was inevitable considering my parents adventurous nature regarding culinary explorations. When I began noticing friends on Twitter here in Austin commenting on the fine coffee they were buying called Kohana, I took notice. Eventually I became friendly with Piper via Twitter and we met in person at Lani & Ben Rosales' fantastic Big Ass Twitter Happy Hour a few months back.

Piper and I became fast friends because of our common love of food, our shared experiences in marketing and because she's the most likable person you'd ever hope to meet. Positive energy radiates from her and you generally just want to give her hug when she's around. What's more, she's responsible for producing some of the best roasted coffee beans I've had. Ever.

Touring the roasting facility was fascinating because of the attention to detail required to produce the high-quality beans that Kohana is known for. Piper is constantly checking the beans for quality, color and consistency throughout the roasting process. She also records the time, temperature and yield for each batch of beans that are roasted. At Kohana, each batch is roasted to order, weighed, sorted into bins and then carried into the shipping office where Nate and Matt are hard at work packing the beans into bags for shipment to their customers all over the country.

Check out the TwitVid of the roaster going full-steam below. Kohana Coffee will be handing out FREE samples of their beans at the Examiner Happy Hour on Tuesday, July 27th. See details at the top right sidebar. Connect with Greg Ackerman here.

Piper's enthusiasm for the process was contagious and in no time, I was eagerly sorting through the beans looking for defects and pouring raw beans into the roaster.

Piper even has this amazing chart to gauge the different flavors one tastes during the roasting process as shown below.

Kohana gets their coffee from all over the world


  1. Thanks for your blog post, Greg! We appreciate you at Kohana Coffee and are welcome to visit us anytime.

    Let us know if you would like to bring others as well. We love people who love learning about great coffee!


    Kohana Coffee
    Marketing Director

  2. Jette'~ You are welcome. Y'all are lucky to have someone as enthusiastic as Piper involved. Her excitement is contagious. Looking forward to sharing samples with my blogger friends. They're going to love Kohana Coffee as much as I do!

  3. Greg, you are the perfect warehouse guest roaster - you listened to me go on and on about something I find so intensely interesting AND helped in the process...we love that!

    I'm glad you're sharing - good coffee with friends is one of my favorite experiences.

    Thank you for the kind and entertaining post - you did a great job picking up the information in a fast paced morning. We appreciate you.


  4. Aaaw, thanks for the kind words Piper. Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday for Examiner Happy Hour. Thank you for sponsoring the event. Everyone's excited you'll be there.

  5. Nice article G, and Piper seems like a real nice person too. another place to visit when i come. I like a good coffee too :)


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